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The Hidden Costs of Upholding Reputation: A Personal Perspective on Asian Cultural Values
The idea of upholding one’s reputation is heavily emphasized across a wide range of Asian cultures. In order to do this, one must refrain from doing anything that can make themselves or their family look bad. Furthermore, social status and material...
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Utilizing Exponential Growth: The Power of Compound Interest – Warren Buffett's Secret Revealed
There is a fascinating idea in personal finance that has the ability to turn modest investments into enormous riches over time. Compound interest is the cause of this financial phenomenon. Understanding and using the power of compound interest can be...
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Money Priorities - Ramsey's Baby Steps (3 of 3)
This is part 3 of the money priorities where we analyze Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps. For those who have not read the first part where we looked into Baby Steps 1-2 and Baby Steps 3-4. Step 5: Save for your children’s college When it comes...
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Money Priorities - Ramsey's Baby Steps (2 of 3)
This is part 2 of the money priorities where we analyze Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps. For those who have not read the first part where we looked into Baby Steps 1-3 click here. Step 3: Save 3-6 months of expenses Congratulations! You’ve...
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Money Priorities - Ramsey's Baby Steps (1 of 3)
Steps” to financial freedom. His story is truly remarkable as he went from being bankrupt to building a successful empire. He and his team are all over the internet including having a very popular YouTube channel. I’ve followed Dave Ramsey and...
Managing Finances as a First or Second-Generation Asian in the US
As a second-generation Asian American, you may have grown up with certain beliefs about money that are different from those of your American-born peers. These beliefs may have been passed down from your parents or grandparents, and they may be based on...
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